This is not so much a biggest loser contest as it is a get healthy blog. Being healthy should be more important than losing weight and hopefully in the process, a little weight will just fall right off!

Can you do it? Can you take the challenge and make the change?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

So here we have the family biggest loser blog. Really it should be the biggest winner. I am really hoping this will help to motivate me back into healthy eating and exercise. Last week I went running for the first time since Kiley's wedding. I ran 1.5 miles without stopping. Certainly not where I would like to be but I thought not bad considering I haven't been running in about 6 months. Before the wedding I had lost almost 10 lbs. Since the wedding, I have gained it all back. So it's time to get moving. Anyone want to join me?

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