This is not so much a biggest loser contest as it is a get healthy blog. Being healthy should be more important than losing weight and hopefully in the process, a little weight will just fall right off!

Can you do it? Can you take the challenge and make the change?

Saturday, July 31, 2010

OK...I'm in...but not a good day to start a diet with company coming for dinner tonight, and faculty pot luck tomrrow afternoon! Still......I tend to lose weight at the beginning of the school year as my focus shifts from eating to school! The trick is keeping it off once the holidays hit! So I will blog here just to try and stay committed! I do have to say I have had 5 eating out events in the last week as school fires up, and I have tried to stay with salads. That is a big step for me! (Does it count if you have fried chicken on your salad? could have been worse!!!!!)

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